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EDF Renouvelables, acteur majeur des énergies renouvelables en France et dans le monde, annonce la nomination d’Anne-Laure Meynial-Coumaros au poste de Directrice de la Communication. Avec plus de 20 années passées au sein du groupe EDF, Anne-Laure apportera son expérience acquise lors de ses missions en communication et en marketing. Avant de rejoindre EDF Renouvelables, elle occupait le poste…
EDF Renewables North America and Enbridge Announce Commercial Operation of Fox Squirrel Solar SAN DIEGO and CALGARY, Alberta (Jan. 06, 2024): EDF Renewables North America and Enbridge Inc, a leading North American energy infrastructure company (TSX: ENB) (NYSE: ENB), today announced that the Amazon Solar Farm Ohio – Fox Squirrel Solar project achieved full operational status in December 2024,…
SAN DIEGO et CALGARY 06/01/2025 : EDF Renouvelables et Enbridge Inc, une entreprise leader dans les infrastructures énergétiques en Amérique du Nord, ont annoncé aujourd’hui la mise en service complète du parc solaire Amazon Fox Squirrel , avec trois phases désormais en exploitation : Fox Squirrel 1 (150MWca/194MWc), Fox Squirrel 2 (250MWca/325MWc) et Fox Squirrel 3 (177MWca/230MWc). Développé par EDF Renouvelables et…
Paris le 27 décembre 2024 – Au terme du sixième appel d’offres éolien en mer, le ministère de l’Industrie et de l’Energie a choisi “ Eoliennes Méditerranée Grand Large”, la société de projet détenue par EDF Renouvelables et Maple Power, pour assurer la conception, la construction et l’exploitation du parc éolien en mer flottant dit « Golfe de Fos 1 »….
SAN DIEGO 16 décembre 2024 : EDF Renouvelables Amérique du Nord a annoncé aujourd’hui la mise en service du parc solaire de Morris Ridge qui a commencé à fournir de l’électricité à l’État de New York. La New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) a attribué à Morris Ridge un contrat long terme dans le cadre de l’appel d’offres…
 EDF Renewables North America (EDFR) today announced Morris Ridge Solar project is fully operational and delivering electricity to the New York power grid. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) awarded Morris Ridge a long-term contract as part of the 2018 Renewable Energy Standard Solicitation. The Morris Ridge Solar Project, with a capacity of 229 megawatts (MWdc)…
EDF Renouvelables a signé un contrat d’achat d’électricité long terme (PPA) avec la Saudi Power Procurement Company (SPPC) lors d’une cérémonie officielle organisée à Riyad pour développer les parcs solaires de MASA’A (1 000 MW) et Al Henakiyah2 (400 MW), en présence du prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud, ministre de l’Energie d’Arabie saoudite, Emmanuel Macron, président de la…
Riyadh, December 5th, 2024: EDF Renewables has signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Saudi Power Procurement Company (SPPC) during an official signing ceremony held in Riyadh in the presence of HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud, Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia, Emmanuel Macron, President of Republic of France, HE Majid bin Abdullah Al Qasabi, Minister…
Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) wind farm, located 15.5km off the coast of Fife, is now generating power into the national grid. This marks a significant milestone in the project's development, helping Scotland and the UK move towards achieving their net zero targets. When complete, the wind farm will consist of 54 wind turbines generating up to 450 MW of…

Press kit – Fécamp offshore wind farm – 1st wind farm in Normandy – 10/17/2024

  • 2024: commissioning of the park
  • What to remember from the construction site
  • Offshore wind: a “new” low-carbon energy
  • Fécamp offshore wind farm: a Norman ambition
  • Collective energy
  • An engine for employment and integration
  • Ambitious environmental monitoring
  • How and where can you find out about the Fécamp offshore wind farm?

Press kit – Provence Grand Large, floating offshore wind farm pilot project in France – 06/08/2023

  • Provence Grand Large, a world first
  • The assembly of floats, between industrial prowess and human expertise
  • The assembly of wind turbines, between land and sea
  • A buried and therefore invisible maritime and land electrical connection
  • Floating offshore wind power, a key sector that must cross the threshold of large-scale industrialization
  • Participate in the energy transition while respecting the environment

Press kit – Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm, France’s first offshore wind farm – 09/23/2022

  • The Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm in summary
  • The project leaders, major players in renewable energies
  • The first offshore wind farm project in France
  • Near end of offshore installation operations

Press kit – Offshore wind farm project off the coast of Dunkirk and its electrical connection

  • The project
  • Decision of the project owners to continue the project
  • Next steps

Press kit – Press briefing – EDF accelerates its development in renewable energies in France – 09/12/2019

  • Realization of offshore wind power in Europe
  • Strong acceleration of solar
  • Emergence of storage
  • Strengthening onshore wind power

Press kit The Montagne Ardéchoise wind farm – 06/22/2017

  • Identity card for the Montagne Ardéchoise wind farm
  • A large-scale wind farm co-built with the region
  • The most powerful wind farm in the Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes region, driving local economic dynamics
  • EDF Energies Nouvelles, a local player

Catalan Wind Ensemble press kit – 06/24/2016

  • The Catalan Wind Ensemble: a renewable territorial project
  • A world first: stealth blade technology

Toul-Rosières photovoltaic power plant – 08/09/2014

  • A reconversion steeped in history
  • Technical and technological innovation
  • A project of excellence: decontamination, construction

Crucey solar power plant: reconversion of a military wasteland – 01/09/2012

  • A benchmark achievement
  • Virtuous exploitation
  • Photovoltaic solar