Paris/New Delhi, 1st October 2020 – EDF Renewables and Total Eren, two world leaders in renewable energy, are pleased to announce that EDEN Renewables India, their equally owned joint venture dedicated to the Indian solar photovoltaic market, has been awarded three solar photovoltaic (PV) projects for a total of 1,350 MWp each in Rajasthan, Northern India.
EDEN Renewables has established itself amongst the leaders in the Indian market, with a portfolio of capacities under development, under construction and operational totaling more than 2,200 MWp spread over the states of Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
Between April and July 2020, EDEN Renewables India has won:
- two 450 MWp[1] solar PV projects during the last tenders organized by the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI VIII and SECI IX);
- one 450 MWp1 solar PV project during the last tender organized by the National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC), for which a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) has been signed with NHPC at the end of August 2020.
With a planned production of more than 2,300 GWh per year, these solar PV plants will generate the energy required to meet the annual electricity needs of nearly 2 million people in India.
Constructions are due to start during the first semester of 2021 and commissioning are expected towards the beginning of 2022.
These recent successes follow the signature last year by EDEN Renewables India of 25-year long term PPAs for four solar power projects totaling 716 MWp[2] of installed capacities in Northern India. Among them, “SECI III” (450 MWp) entered into construction phase in Rajasthan, in April 2020, with commissioning expected towards the first semester of 2021.
EDEN Renewables India has been developing, building and operating solar projects in India since 2016. Through their local presence with a team of experts headquartered in New Delhi, EDF Renewables and Total Eren already operate four solar PV power plants in India.
Fabienne Demol, Executive Vice President – Global Head of Business Development of Total Eren, commented: “We are very glad to have reached a new milestone with these three solar power plants, building upon the successful signature of four long-term PPAs last year. I would like to congratulate our teams for this achievement despite the current COVID-19 situation. Looking ahead, I am excited to be working on these solar projects with our partner EDF Renewables, through our joint subsidiary EDEN Renewables India, which plays a key role in achieving our local ambitions. Together, we are determined to provide an electricity which is both sustainable and low carbon, in line with the Indian Government's objective to increase the share of renewables in India”.
Frédéric Belloy, Executive Vice President International Operations at EDF Renewables, stated: “We are pleased to have been awarded 1,350 MWp of additional solar projects with EDEN Renewables India. These recent successes will reinforce very significantly the footprint of our joint venture with our partner Total Eren. It also highlights the remarkable expertise and track record in solar power activities achieved by EDEN Renewables India. These landmark projects fit perfectly with the EDF Group's Cap 2030 strategy of doubling its renewable energy net capacity in operation from 28 GW to 50 GW between 2015 and 2030 worldwide. Through our renewable energy developments, we are pleased to contribute to the Indian government's goal of reaching 220 GW of non-fossil generation by 2022.”
About Eden Renewables India
EDEN Renewables India was founded in 2016 as a joint venture between EDF Renewables and Total Eren, to build and operate solar photovoltaic projects across India. As of 2020, the company has 207 MWp operating solar plants, 450 MWp under construction, and over 1600 MWp under development and due to commission by 2022. Keeping Quality and Safety to be the highest priority, EDEN Renewables India is dedicated to increase its installed capacity to 2,200 MWp by early year 2022 and help fulfill the commitment India had made at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) to achieve 40 % of non-fossil fuel generation by 2030.
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About EDF Renewables
EDF Renewables is a leading international player in renewable energies, with gross installed capacity of 13.2 GW worldwide. Its development is mainly focused on wind and solar photovoltaic power. EDF Renewables operates mostly in Europe and North America but is continuing to grow by moving into promising emerging regions such as Brazil, China, India, South Africa and the Middle East. The company has strong positions in offshore wind power, but also in other areas of the renewable energies industry such as energy storage. EDF Renewables develops, builds, operates and maintains renewable energies projects, both for itself and for third parties. EDF Renewables is the EDF Group subsidiary specializing in developing solar and wind power.
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About Total Eren
Founded in 2012 by Pâris Mouratoglou and David Corchia, Total Eren develops, finances, builds and operates renewable energy power plants (solar, wind, hydro) representing a gross capacity of more than 3,300 MW in operation or under construction worldwide. Through partnerships with local developers, Total Eren is currently developing numerous energy projects in countries and regions where renewable energy represents an economically viable response to growing energy demand such as in Europe, Central Asia, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Africa. On April 5th, 2019, Total Eren integrated NovEnergia into the Group thus extending its presence notably into Southern Europe. The objective is to achieve a global gross installed capacity of more than 5 GW by 2022. Since December 2017, Total SA, the major energy company, has been participating as a shareholder of Total Eren.
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T: +33 1 53 96 83 83 / E:
[1] Equivalent to 300 MWac
[2] Equivalent to 490 MWac