Health, well-being and job satisfaction

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EDF Renewables pursues a quality of life at work policy promoting balance between professional and personal life and promoting the social commitment of each employee.


Promote balance between professional and personal life

The well-being of our employees is a priority. EDF Renewables puts in place motivating working conditions to promote everyone's professional development and a good balance between personal and professional life. An approach that is fully in line with two of our founding values: responsibility and kindness.

We offer our employees:

*RTT: Reduction of working time
*JNT: Non-working day

Enabling employee social engagement

At EDF Renewables, we place solidarity at the heart of our actions in favor of the commitment of our employees. We encourage all our employees to commit to inclusion, equal opportunities, professional equality or even as ambassadors of the disability mission. Dedicated awareness sessions are regularly organized and we provide the opportunity to join our employee networks.


An HR policy adapted to the lifestyle of employees

Teleworking, flexible hours when jobs allow, we offer our employees working time adapted to their lifestyle. We are implementing a parenting policy that promotes the personal development of young parents and a peaceful return to the professional environment.