Professional equality and inclusion

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Guaranteeing non-discrimination, professional equality between women and men, welcoming employees with disabilities and helping the integration of young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are commitments that drive us.

Our commitment to professional equality


EDF Renewables is part of the ambitions of the EDF group in terms of diversity to support the advancement of women particularly in technical and scientific professions, in positions of responsibility, in governance bodies, and in representations. EDF Renewables carries this ambition through the commitments and actions included in the professional equality agreements, signed with its social partners since 2014.

Egapro Index : for the year 2023, EDF Renewables has reached the score of 92/100  
Cet index a été conçu comme un outil pour mesurer l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes au sein des entreprises. 5 critères sont pris en compte dans le calcul de cet index. Voici le détail des résultats obtenus :
• On the indicator relating to the pay gap: 37/40 • On the indicator relating to the difference in individual increase rates: 20/20 • On the promotions gap: 15/15 • On the indicator relating to the percentage of employees who received an increase in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15/15 • On the indicator relating to the number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest paid: 5/10
While they highlight the areas where EDF Renewables can still make progress, these results above all reflect our commitment to professional equality, a commitment at the heart of our HR policies and our ambitions.

32% of women in our workforce worldwide (36% in France) *

32% of female executives in the world (36% in France) *

38% of women among the members of our management committees in France *

*data December 2023

EDF Renewables joins the “ MIXED ENERGIES » of the EDF group which promotes diversity and values female talents who fully participate in the performance of the EDF group. This network is a vector of meetings, a source of inspiration and development for its members.

The network, which brings together nearly 100 employees at EDF Renewables, also has the ambition to be a voice and a relay in favor of diversity and professional equality, against the glass ceiling and ordinary sexism. and gender stereotypes.

Our commitments to the inclusion of people with disabilities

Created in 2014, the Disability Mission aims to promote the employment and inclusion of people with disabilities within the company. On a daily basis, EDF Renewables is committed to supporting and guaranteeing the accessibility conditions necessary for the integration of people with disabilities. The Handicap Mission relies on a network of volunteer employee ambassadors responsible for raising employee awareness of the theme of disability

All our job, internship and work-study offers are open to people with disabilities.


A partnership with the Elles Bougent association

EDF Renewables is partner of the association “Elles Bougent”, which aims to encourage vocations in so-called technical professions among young girls. Each year we organize numerous events to raise awareness among middle and high school girls and students about the opportunities offered by these professions, through the testimonies of our engineer or technician godmothers.