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EDF Renewables celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Moulin de Froidure wind farm

Paris, October 2, 2023 – EDF Renewables is celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Moulin de Froidure wind farm. Commissioned in 2008, the park, made up of 6 wind turbines, produced in 15 years the equivalent of the annual low-carbon electricity consumption of more than 10,000 inhabitants.

The park, located in the Somme department, in the Hauts-de-France region, is made up of 6 wind turbines of 2 MW each and can provide the equivalent of the annual consumption of 10,000 inhabitants, i.e. the equivalent of 30% of the community of communes of Ponthieu-Marqueterre.

Initiated in 2002, the project obtained its building permit in 2004. Two years later, construction began and was completed in 2008. Since its commissioning, the park has produced around 330 GWh of low-carbon electricity.

EDF Renewables is committed to developing all its projects in close collaboration with the region and its local stakeholders. In this context, a renewal is currently being studied and would make it possible to replace the 6 existing wind turbines with 5 latest generation models while guaranteeing the same low-carbon electricity production.

About EDF Renewables

EDF Renouvelables is an international energy company that develops, builds and operates renewable energy production plants.

A major player in the world's energy transition, EDF Renewables deploys competitive, responsible and value-creating projects within EDF. In each country, our teams are engaged on a daily basis with the territories by putting their expertise and their capacity for innovation at the service of the fight against climate change.

At the end of 2022, EDF Renewables has an installed capacity of 11.4 GW net (18.5 GW gross) worldwide. Mainly present in Europe and North America, the company is also developing in emerging markets such as: South Africa, Brazil, China, India and the Middle East. Historically active in onshore wind power and photovoltaics, the Company is significantly strengthening its position in installed and floating offshore wind power, as well as in new technologies such as energy storage, floating solar and agrivoltaics.

For more information : www.edf-renouvelables.com
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and @EDF_Renewables in English.

EDF Renewables
Eugénie Gai ▪ tel. : +33 (0)1 41 02 78 31 ▪ email: eugenie.gai@edf-re.fr

EDF Renewables - Japan



Since 2022, EDF Renewables has been developing offshore wind projects in Japan. 

The objective: to contribute to the country's energy transition.