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EDF Renewables strengthens its development in Reunion with the Rivière des Galets photovoltaic power plant

Reunion, June 29, 2022 – EDF Renewables continues its deployment on the island of Reunion with the start of construction on the ground-mounted solar power plant at Rivière des Galets, in the commune of Port. With an installed capacity of approximately 5 MW, this new project contributes to achieving the island's energy autonomy objective. It is also part of EDF's Solar Plan which aims to make the Group a leader in solar energy in France by 2035.

Winner of the Call for Tenders from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) in April 2020, the Rivière des Galets solar power plant project has an installed capacity of around 5 MW. When it comes into service scheduled for 2023, it will produce the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of more than 4,500 inhabitants, or 15% of the inhabitants of the commune of Le Port.

Part of the communities' energy transition policy, this project was made possible thanks to the support of the Commune du Port and the Urban Community of the West Coast Territory (TCO).

The solar power plant is located on anthropized municipal land, a former “wild” landfill at the level of the economic and industrial activity zone called “ZAC ECOPARC Le Port”. Since the start of the project, nearly 2 tonnes of batteries and 600 tonnes of building waste (concrete, rubble, etc.) have been collected and then sent to reprocessing channels.

In addition, nearly 2 million euros of works contracts were awarded to local companies.

During the 20 years of operation of the plant, the Territorial Communities will benefit from the tax and rental benefits. The upkeep and maintenance of the solar power plant will be carried out by a Reunion company for 20 years.

Mostly covered by ruderal vegetation[1], the land was the subject of sustained, tailor-made work carried out by EDF Renewables teams and expert design offices, in partnership with local associations in order to significantly improve the biodiversity of the land. Thus, in the long term, the environmental management measures will make it possible to restore the ecological continuity of the site, in favor of the heritage flora and avifauna. Local palm trees and shrubs will be planted and different species of birds will be able to find a new, more suitable habitat.

Etienne Bouticourt, Overseas Regional Manager of EDF Renewables, said : " We are proud to continue our development in Overseas Territories and to support the energy transition of Reunion Island, through this new low-carbon energy project located on a degraded site. The construction site of the Rivière des Galets solar power plant will contribute to local economic dynamics. This project is in line with the EDF Group's Solar Plan which aims to reach 30% market share in France by 2035.

Olivier Hoarau, Mayor of the Port, added : “The establishment of this photovoltaic plant is completely in line with our ecological and energy transition objectives. Le Port being one of the sunniest towns on the island, the Rivière des Galets site is the ideal location for this type of installation. This also has the advantage of creating a virtuous ecosystem, both in terms of job creation and revitalization of the local economy. ".

[1] Vegetation and invasive alien species growing in the rubble

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EDF Renewables - Japan



Since 2022, EDF Renewables has been developing offshore wind projects in Japan. 

The objective: to contribute to the country's energy transition.