Renewable energies

Renewable energies

1 / 10

True or false ? Renewable energies are only solar and wind.

2 / 10

Which of the statements below are correct?

3 / 10

True or false ? France has set itself the objective of increasing the share of renewable energies to 33% of total energy consumption in 2030.

4 / 10

To succeed in our energy transition, what pillar(s) must we rely on?

5 / 10

True or false ? Between 2010 and 2022, the cost of producing solar energy was divided by 6 and that of offshore wind power was divided by 3.

6 / 10

In France, how many direct and indirect jobs (FTEs) are generated by wind energy?

7 / 10

True or false ? Wind turbines only produce when there is wind!

8 / 10

What steps does EDF Renewables take with the regions to implement a new project?

9 / 10

True or false ? In France, nuclear power is already decarbonized, we don't need wind and solar power!

10 / 10

True or false ? Renewable projects do not take into account environmental impacts.

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