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À l’occasion de cette Journée, découvrez le portrait de Charlotte Echard, Cheffe de Projets Développement. Témoignage.   Est-ce que tu peux te présenter en quelques mots ?  Charlotte Echard : « Je m’appelle Charlotte, j’ai 26 ans et je suis originaire d’Orléans. Après l’obtention de mon BAC S, je me suis orientée vers une prépa intégrée dans l’école d’ingénieurs généraliste Institut National des Sciences…
Direction la Bretagne, à la rencontre de François Orel, technicien de maintenance éolien. Sa mission : assurer la réparation et l’optimisation des éoliennes pour garantir leur bon fonctionnement et leur production. Immersion dans un quotidien pas comme les autres… Nos équipes ont suivi François Orel, technicien de maintenance éolien au sein des équipes OMEGA (Opération Maintenance et Gestion d’Actifs)…
Depuis deux ans, Nicolas Carbognani est berger itinérant sur la centrale solaire de Massangis (Yonne, France). Il y fait paitre plus de 650 brebis, 365 jours par an. Au mois de juin débute l’agnelage sous les panneaux, une période cruciale pour Nicolas….
Dans cet épisode, les experts abordent les conséquences des événements climatiques extrêmes sur la production d’électricité, notamment lorsque les éoliennes ne peuvent plus produire d’électricité en raison de vents violents ou que les panneaux solaires se retrouvent sur des terrains inondés. Comment gérer ces situations et adapter les installations pour faire face aux défis du changement climatique ? Charlène…
La France compte environ 10 000 éoliennes sur son territoire, et la majorité d’entre elles ont été installées au début des années 2000. D’ici à 2030, environ 500 éoliennes par an devront être remplacées. Une opération impressionnante et délicate menée par EDF Renouvelables sur le parc éolien d’Oupia, situé dans l’Hérault. Une première en France métropolitaine.  L’accès au parc éolien…
Since March, EDF Renouvelables has commissioned a new type of demonstrator: Albedo Boost. Located in Dessel (Belgium), it is a floating solar power plant equipped with reflectors capable of increasing the albedo, i.e. the reflected light. Discover it in video….
June full of events and emotion for the Calvados offshore wind farm, partner of several events and commemorative ceremonies planned in Normandy on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Landing. On the occasion of this anniversary, the Calvados offshore wind farm retraced all its initiatives to carry the duty of memory to…
Discover the Fécamp offshore wind farm from a new angle! “Vues sur mer”, the new documentary by EDF Renouvelables. Synopsis: Launched in 2007 and inaugurated on May 15, 2024, the Fécamp offshore wind farm is the result of many years of collective work and challenges. Consultation, environmental monitoring, technical challenges, new industrial sector... relive...
For six months, the Dhuoda high school, located in Nîmes, has been equipped with a latest generation wind turbine nacelle assembled by EDF Renewables. The objective: to enrich the training course for the profession of maintenance technician offered within the CMQE HEREC campus. Video immersion. A true training platform, the Campus of Trades and Qualifications of Excellence in Housing, Renewable Energies and…
In Colombiers, in the south of France, EDF Renewables supervises all solar power plants, onshore and offshore wind farms, throughout the world. Recently, we have also found the Repair Lab, a 400m² workshop in which large wind turbine components are repaired. Video immersion. The Repair Lab: a workshop for our strategic parts…
The last wind turbine of the Fécamp offshore wind farm, the first offshore wind farm in Normandy, was installed this Monday, March 25. In total, 71 wind turbines have been installed since July 2023. After a testing phase, the last wind turbines should produce electricity in the coming weeks. The park’s 71 wind turbines, with…
The French are mostly in favor of renewable energies and at the same time, with its development, wind power is generating more and more debate. But then what is it really? And what means are put in place by wind farm developers, and in particular by EDF Renewables, to promote its acceptability in the region? Find the answers…
DIEGO is innovative software. Equipped with supercomputers, it models floating wind turbines and analyzes their behavior at sea....
Inaugurated on October 27, 2023, this is the fourth EDF Renewables installation on the island. …
The assembly phase of the three wind turbines completed on Monday September 11, the very first floating wind turbine of our Provence Grand Large project took to the sea towards its installation site. After being towed out to sea, 17km off the Gulf of Fos, operations are currently continuing to connect the wind turbines to the tensioned anchor lines which will attach the wind turbines to the seabed...
On Wednesday September 6, 2023, the inauguration of the Nitry photovoltaic power plant, in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, took place. 3.8 MW, 7,600 panels: these are the characteristics of this new power plant, resulting from the partnership between APRR, a subsidiary of the Eiffage group, and EDF Renewables for the development of photovoltaic power plants on abandoned motorways. After Subligny, in Yonne, and Col de Bessey, in Côte-d’Or,…
On July 12, Luc Rémont, Chairman and CEO of EDF, inaugurated the EDF Renewables photovoltaic power plant in Ottmarsheim in Haut-Rhin. This event was an opportunity for the Group to sign an agreement with the Grand Est Region in order to accelerate the energy and societal transition and to fight against climate change in this territory. Inaugurated on July 12,…
EDF Renewables' first floating solar power plant in France, located in Lazer in the Hautes-Alpes, was inaugurated on Tuesday June 20, 2023. Combining two renewable production tools on a single site is the challenge taken up by the EDF Group by installing solar panels on the reservoir of a hydroelectric dam. Created in 1992, the reservoir…
In Maine-et-Loire, EDF Renewables inaugurated a solar power plant which gives an environmentally friendly future to a former technical landfill center. The Saumur Chemin vert landfill is getting a makeover. Dating from 1970 and closed in the 2000s, it now has 25,500 panels. Spread over 9.5 hectares for a total power of 11.3 MW,…
EDF Renewables and Enbridge Eolien France have successfully launched the first of three floats which will accommodate the Provence Grand Large wind turbines. An impressive operation, which marks a new stage in the development of floating offshore wind power in France!​​​​​​​ We invite you to discover, in images, this complex operation, carried out successfully thanks to…
The three nacelles, the three hubs, the three masts and the nine blades which will constitute the future floating wind turbines of the Provence Grand Large park have arrived on the Gloria quay of the Grand Port Maritime of Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône. In a few weeks it will welcome the three floats built on the Eiffage Métal site in Fos-sur-Mer. The construction of floating platforms, behemoths of…