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Dhuoda High School: a wind turbine nacelle to train future maintenance technicians

For six months, the Dhuoda high school, located in Nîmes, has been equipped with a latest generation wind turbine nacelle assembled by EDF Renewables. The objective: to enrich the training course for the profession of maintenance technician offered within the CMQE HEREC campus. Video immersion.

A true training platform, the Campus of Trades and Qualifications of Excellence in Housing, Renewable Energy and Eco-construction (CMQE HEREC) inaugurated on Tuesday, April 2, new equipment for the training of its students: a wind turbine nacelle. MM82”. The nacelle was transported by exceptional convoy and installed in August 2023 in the high school, just before the start of the school year. Intended for students in BTS Maintenance of Wind Energy Systems, this pod allows future technicians to train on a modern and connected machine, and to better prepare them for the technological developments of tomorrow.

The CMQE HEREC campus

The Campus of Trades and Qualifications of Excellence dedicated to Housing, Renewable Energy and Eco-construction is a center of excellence which aims to train future professionals in these promising fields. It brings together around twenty training establishments to create courses at all levels, from CAP to engineering diplomas. EDF Renewables is happy to welcome interns, work-study students, fixed-term and permanent contracts from the establishment every year.