Our fundamentals in
project development

Every day, our teams support territories so that they become actors in the energy transition.

Integrate local issues

Our ambition is to understand the challenges of the territories in order to design projects that are adapted, coherent and respectful of the living environment inhabitants.

  • Projects based on the coexistence of activities, the result of several years of technical and socio-economic studies and exchanges with all regional stakeholders and users.
  • Beyond regulatory procedures, a dedicated consultation involves the general public and all stakeholders.

The organization of information and consultation times allows the general public to interact directly with the teams in charge of each project.

Create value in the territories

We bring together all the players and ensure that our projects become levers of economic growth for the regions. 

  • Before construction, we work with local economic players and local authorities to identify the skills present thanks to the animation of a network of SMEs and large companies. 
  • During the construction phase, we ensure the creation of activities as close as possible to our projects
  • When the park is put into service, we participate in financing local projects in favor of the energy transition, such as renovation and energy efficiency, less consuming and less polluting mobility or measures in favor of households in order to combat energy poverty.

For our French offshore wind projects, we have supported the implementation of training adapted to our professions and those of our subcontractors, in order to guarantee qualified long-term jobs.

Act with respect for the environment

The choice of each location meets numerous criteria including environmental criteria. Our projects are also a source of knowledge of biodiversity at the local level:

  • Creation of a complete environmental diagnosis (avifauna, local flora, fishery resources and marine mammals, etc.) by recognized experts, in collaboration with local structures (environmental protection associations, fisheries committees, research laboratories, etc.).
  • Etablishing of appropriate environmental measures during the construction and then operation phases, accompanied by a set of environmental monitoring.
  • Integration of landscape issues in project design
  • Etablishing of measures to safeguard or protect biodiversity or adaptation to climate change
